The Cross and the Cosmos: Swords and Plowshares

5:16 PM 7/1/2012

SPOILER ALERT: This story (the second in the issue to the left) happens well before the events described in our novel REALMWALKERS. If you enjoy Christian speculative fiction and don't mind one of the bigger rabbits in REALMWALKERS' hat being revealed before you read the novel, then go ahead to my blog here. If you don't want that rabbit pulled out of the hat before you read the novel, then by all mean read REALMWALKERS FIRST! :D

- Jack Shepherd (writing in this magazine under another pen name, Johanan Rakkav)

Realmwalkers: The Homeworld Rosette (Spoiler Alert)


My friend Jack (co-author of Realmwalkers) has started a new story on Triond. It starts out on Tiaera but takes you far out into space and time. It will give you more insight to Alain's outer space realm where the Realmwalkers came from. If you enjoy Christian speculative (sci fi) fiction, the link is below. Enjoy!

This story takes place AFTER what happens in our novel REALMWALKERS. DO NOT READ THIS if you're reading or planning to read Realmwalkers as it will spoil the novel for you.  

If you've read our novel and want to read more, enjoy Jack's latest creation.